Full Name
Erin Lingo
Job Title
Interim Executive Director / Chief of Staff
Shalom Farms
Speaker Bio
Erin (she/her) is currently serving as Interim Executive Director and Chief of Staff at Shalom Farms. Erin has spent her career working to build equitable and community-based food systems, from managing farmers markets and CSAs to providing technical assistance and networking opportunities to food hubs, teaching college courses on food systems and nutrition, and partnering emergency food programs with healthcare systems and nutrition support to build true food and health equity. Erin holds an MA in Social Ecology and Community Food Systems from Prescott College, and is a certified Leadership Coach through the International Coaching Federation. She lives in Church Hill with her husband, and when she’s not cooking or talking about veggies, you can find her riding her bike around town, teaching yoga, or playing guitar with her band.
Erin Lingo