The Value of Evaluation: Enhancing Your Organization’s Processes, Outcomes and Impact
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Maureen McNamara Best Lesley McPhatter Michelle Hesse Jennifer Walsh, PhD, RD

Session Summary:

In this session, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the value of evaluation to enhance an organization's processes, outcomes, and impact! Experts in the field of nutrition and public health will share examples of evaluation types and how they can be applied to evaluating population and/or patient/client/neighbor interventions. Panelists will also discuss the intersection of evaluation data, other feedback mechanisms, and inputs from stakeholders and collaborators to implement and iterate programs.

Session objectives:

  1. Discuss and provide examples of various evaluation types and how to apply these evaluations across hunger-ending programs and interventions.
  2. Discuss the intersection of evaluation data and neighbor/client/patient feedback loops to implement and iterate programs.
  3. Elaborate on the successes and challenges of partnerships within the context of evaluation.
Session Type
Breakout Session
Meeting Room
James B