Enhancing Community Health through Collaborative Screening & Referral Strategies: The Evolution of a CBO-Healthcare Partnership
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Tyler Agee Allison Hallberg Virgil Phillips Jr. David Waidelich

Session Summary:
As we enter an era of required food insecurity screening, it’s vital to create effective referral relationships between healthcare and community-based providers. Discover how VCU Health and Feed More’s partnership and programs have evolved over the past 5 years, growing from a small pilot to planning for health system-wide screening and referral. Learn what resources, processes, and data are needed to implement and scale this work at your organization.


Session objectives:

  1. How to establish and grow thriving partnerships
  2. Strategies and considerations for scaling screening and referral
  3. Using data to develop, manage, and continuously improve programs
Session Type
Breakout Session
Meeting Room
James B