Transforming How We Serve our Communities- An introduction to the Healthy Pantry Initiative and Roundtable Discussion
Date & Time
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Cassie Edner Harmonie Taddeo Kellie Del Signore Sydney Orgel Kara Snapp, MPH Monica Davis

Session Summary:

Explore how food banks, health partners, academic partners, and partnering pantries are transforming the charitable food system through improving access to healthy food, sharing educational resources, and connecting with community support networks. Engage in roundtable discussions focused on enhancing SNAP and benefits access, offering foods for cultural and dietary needs, building community partnerships, and promoting health and nutrition education in any setting.


Session objectives:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Virginia Healthy Pantry Initiative and identify opportunities to get involved.
  • Discuss best practices with others in the state who are already implementing practices of the Healthy Pantry Initiative.
  • Explore collaboration opportunities with statewide and local partners to improve community health.
Session Type
Breakout Session
Meeting Room
James CD