The Food is Medicine Continuum: Health and Community Food Systems Integration
Date & Time
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM
Rachel Burks Lesley McPhatter Elizabeth Borst Maureen McNamara Best John Trant

Session Summary:

This session features panelists who have piloted, refined, and expanded FIM interventions in Virginia including SNAP incentives, produce prescription, medically tailored meals, and medically tailored grocery programs. Join the conversation and explore ways to integrate food and health systems in your community.


Session objectives:

  • Share examples of how communities and partners have planned and implemented FIM programs
  • Discuss motivations for FIM at the individual, programmatic, and community level and how to build and grow from those motivations
  • Explore ways to initiate or deepen health and food systems integration
Session Type
Breakout Session
Meeting Room
Shenandoah Room